Hyvinvointia luonnosta

Well-being from nature

We look for solutions to our well-being from different places and ways, but one is above all others, nature. If you spend your days at a desk and a computer like I do, I can promise that you will recover from stress caused by everyday rushes and exhaustion when you go out into nature. Even a short walk in nature has an effect. The heart rate stabilizes, the mind refreshes and you feel good by breathing clean and fresh air in the middle of nature. Many who have experienced that they sleep poorly have noticed that moving outside also has a positive effect on the quality of sleep. You should also move longer in nature than indoors. I personally bring nature into my everyday life by choosing a walking route that goes through a park, forest or beach, but green plants and flowers also have a good effect.

In Finland, we have wonderful nature and the cleanest air in the world, which is worth enjoying. National parks and other nature sites are open and easily accessible exercise places for everyone. In the capital region, we are delighted with e.g. Keskuspuisto, Viikki nature reserve, Uutela, Nuuksio and Sipoonkorpi, all of which look especially beautiful right now. If you're really lucky, you might find your nearest outdoor space in our country's largest national parks. Since October is now bringing us record warm weather, I recommend heading out for a walk or hike with the whole family. To relax and enjoy moving in nature. To stop, listen and look at the aesthetics of landscapes and colors.

Have a refreshing weekend!

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