Esittelyssä Puhdas+ Athlete Aleksandra Blinnikka

Introducing Puhdas+ Athlete Aleksandra Blinnikka

Aleksandra is a 26-year-old, optimistic and energetic windsurfer and flight attendant.

I've been involved in windsurfing circles since I was a child, but I didn't get competitive until I was in my twenties. Now I'm starting my sixth year as a competitor and I feel like I'm enjoying my life more and more every year. So I'm heading in the right direction!

Last year was literally the year of dreams. I won the WC and EC competitions in windsurfing's Raceboard class, I was nominated in the Top-11 vote at the Sports Gala "Most Exciting Sports Moment 2018", SPV chose me as surfer of the year, sports journalists chose me as sailor of the year and I became Vantaa's athlete of the year. Of course, we would not have reached this point without support groups and great partners.

The sea is like a second home to me. Above all, I love being in the middle of nature. I get strength from there.

The purpose is to continue forward with the same optimistic approach and self-confidence. This year I will go to the Czech Republic and Germany to defend my titles. If possible, I also want to participate in the Olympic class World Championships organized in Garda in September.

It is absolutely wonderful to be part of the Puhdas+ family and to cooperate with people who share the same values. The products have been top notch and have been used in everything from vitamins to skin care products. My favorite product series is New Skin, which is always with me on trips.

You can follow Aleksandra's adventures on the following channels:

Instagram @aleksandrablinnikka



Photo: Antti Peltola

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